There are all kinds of parts and electronic components in a mobile cell phone. These parts and components can be divided into Big Parts and Small Parts. This article explains all about big parts and components in a mobile cell phone and their function.
When learning how to repair a mobile cell phone, it is important to identify its parts and understand their function. Here I must also remind you that any PCB of a mobile phone is divided into 2 sections namely: Network Section; and Power Section. Have a look at the image below to understand PCB of a mobile cell phone.
Big Parts of a Mobile Cell Phone and Their Function:
- Antenna Switch: It is found in the Network Section of a mobile phone
and is made up of metal and non-metal. In GSM sets it is found in white color and in CDMA sets it is found in golden metal.Work: It searches network and passes forward after tuning.Faults: If the Antenna Switch is faulty then there will be no network in the mobile phone.
- P.F.O: It is found near the Antenna Switch in the Network Section of the
PCB of Mobile Phone. It is also called P.A (Power Amplifier) and Band Pass Filter.Work: It filters and amplifies network frequency and selects the home network.Faults: If the PFO is faulty then there will be no network in the mobile phone. If it gets short then the mobile phone will get dead.
- RF IC / Hagar / Network IC: This electronic component found near
the PFO in the Network Section of a Mobile Phone. It is also called RF signal processor.Work: It works as transmitter and receiver of audio and radio waves according to the instruction from the CPU.Faults: If the RF IC is faulty then there will be problem with network in the mobile phone. Sometimes the mobile phone can even get dead.
- 26 MHz Crystal Oscillator: It is found near the PFO in the Network
Section of a Mobile Phone. It is also calledNetwork Crystal. It is made up of metal.Work: It creates frequency during outgoing calls.Faults: If this crystal is faulty then there will be no outgoing call and no network in the mobile phone.
- VCO: It is found near the Network IC in the Network Section of a Mobile
Phone.Work: It sends time, date and voltage to the RF IC / Hager and the CPU. It also creates frequency after taking command from the CPU.Faults: If it is faulty then there will be no network in the mobile phone and it will display “Call End” or “Call Failed”.
- RX Filter: It is found in the Network Section of a Mobile Phone.
Work: It filters frequency during incoming calls.Faults: If it is faulty then there will network problem during incoming calls.
- TX Filter: It is found in the Network Section of a Mobile Phone.
Work: It filters frequency during outgoing calls.Faults: If it is faulty then there will network problem during outgoing calls.
- ROM: It is found in the Power Section of a Mobile Phone.
Work: It loads current operating program in a Mobile Phone.Faults: If ROM is faulty then there will software problem in the mobile phone and the set will get dead.
- RAM: It is found in the Power Section of a Mobile Phone.
Work: It sends and receives commands of the operating program in a mobile phone.Faults: If RAM is faulty then there will be software problem in the mobile phone and it will get frequently get hanged and the set can even get dead.
- Flash IC: It is found in the Power Section of a Mobile Phone. It is also
called EEPROM IC, Memory IC, RAM IC and ROM IC.Work: Software of the mobile phone is installed in the Flash IC.Faults: If Flash IC is faulty then the mobile phone will not work properly and it can even get dead.
- Power IC: It is found in the Power Section of a Mobile Phone. There are
many small components mainly capacitor around this IC. RTC is near the Power IC.Work: It takes power from the battery and supplies to all other parts of a mobile phone.Faults: If Power IC is faulty then the set will get dead.
- Charging IC: It is found in the Power Section near R22.
Work: It takes current from the charger and charges the battery.Faults: If Charging IC is faulty then the set will not get charged. If the Charging IC is short then the set will get dead.
- RTC (Simple Silicon Crystal): It is Real Time Clock and is found in
the Power Section near Power IC. It is made up of either metal or non-metal. It is of long shape.Work: It helps to run the date and time in a mobile phone.Faults: If RTC is faulty then there will be no date or time in the mobile phone and the set can even get dead.
- CPU: It is found in the Power Section. It is also called MAD IC, RAP IC
and UPP. It is the largest IC on the PCB of a Mobile Phone and it looks different from all other ICs.Work: It controls all sections of a mobile phone.Faults: If CPU is faulty then the mobile phone will get dead.
- Logic IC / UI IC: It is found in any section of a mobile phone. It has 20
pins or legs. It is also called UI IC and Interface IC.Work: It controls Ringer, Vibrator and LED of a mobile phone.Faults: If Logic IC / UI IC is faulty then Ringer, Vibrator and LED of mobile phone will nor work properly.
- Audio IC: It is found in Power Section of a mobile phone. It is also
called Cobba IC and Melody IC.Work: It controls Speaker and Microphone of a mobile phone.Faults: If Audio IC is faulty then Speaker and Microphone of a mobile phone will not work and the set can even get dead.
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